Facilitated Coaching
Are you looking for a way to bring about positive change for yourself?
You can meet with a trained carer coach over 6 sessions to explore areas of your life where you’d like things to change. A coach will support you while you develop your goal and identify the steps you want to take towards your goal and work with you to create meaningful change.
Coaching is a space that is dedicated to you as an individual to explore your own goals and self-care.
“I was able to break down my future goals to small achievable goals that I could tick off each day.”
- Carer who completed Facilitated Coaching
Here are some questions your coach may ask you:
This is a space for you to talk about what things you would like to change in your world and talk about what the next steps might be. What is it you would like to talk about today?
How do you get time for yourself?
What self-care activities would you like to be doing?
If you had a magic wand, what would you use it for and what would you change with it?
Do these questions resonate with your situation?
If you are already registered with Carer Gateway, you can directly call us on 1800 51 21 21 and enquire about Facilitated Coaching.
“Working with my coach has allowed me to find my enthusiasm again!”
- Carer, who completed Facilitated Coaching
How might Facilitated Coaching be helpful to you?
It’s a space to…
Facilitated Coaching sessions provide a space where you can brain-storm and work out the next step you would like to take to feel better about yourself.
Explore your own needs:
Our trained coaches can support you in exploring how to find time, space or opportunities for your own needs.
Make progress to your goals:
Facilitated Coaching can help you to focus on your goals by making incremental steps or changes towards your larger goals.
Think about transitions in your caring role:
Facilitated Coaching may be helpful in supporting you through periods of transition in your carer role or caring situation.
Better understand yourself:
Your coach can work with you to better understand yourself and your identity as someone other than a carer.
Are you interested in Facilitated Coaching?
If you are already registered with Carer Gateway, you can directly call us on 1800 51 21 21 and enquire about Facilitated Coaching.
Register for Carer Gateway
Get in touch and register for Carer Gateway, to access resources and be connected with your local outlet.
Call 1800 422 737
Or request a callback from Carer Gateway
Get in touch with us
You can call Alfred Health Carer Services directly to access information, supports and services from our other programs.
Call 1800 51 21 21
Or request a callback from us