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Connecting Communities to Care - Glen Eira

Social connection can be just as important as physical health, and as we get older, it can be harder to maintain. Connecting Communities to Care is a new, free program available to Glen Eira residents aged 65 and older which will connect them to local services and social activities.

If you want to meet new people or find out about an activity or service in your neighbourhood, this program could be for you. The first step is speaking with a trained professional, a community connect, to discuss what’s important to you. The community connector will then find suitable activities for wellbeing and enjoyment and help you access them, such as book clubs, art classes, walking groups or adult learning classes and volunteering opportunities. The connector can also help link residents with support services like legal or financial advice, Meals on Wheels, grief counselling, or access to government services.

Connecting Communities to Care is a collaboration with Bolton Clarke, Australian Disease Management Association, Alfred Health and South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network.

How do you sign up?

Residents can contact a community connector directly or ask their general practitioner or health provider for a referral. Friends and neighbours can also refer someone they care about to the program.

To find out more:

This service is held in Glen Eira.

1 January

Carer Art Group - Frankston

1 February

Cook, Create, Grow & Sew Workshops - Glen Eira